Monday, December 10, 2012

Montaigne Style

Porn and Prostitution are so "Rationalistic". No Magic, No Mysticism, No Ghosts.
It's "Mechanical". Human body and act of sex are simply like a "Machine". Cause effect, the woman screams and male ego is satisfied.
Prostitution - the oldest profession in the world? Gettthehellouttahere..
It's just that we've lost the Epistemology of Mysticism.
since adoption  of "agriculture", scales tilted towards "rational" epistemology and we have been in Pathological state since.

Love, Magic, Mystery, Mysticism  have almost all vanished. (Seriously, only "after" Rennaisance?)
Reading Bryan Appleyard's book "Science and Soul of Modern Man". I feel he missed the oldest and most "basic" technology - Agriculture!

We lost almost half of our critical senses.
No wonder now we have idiots like Bernanke (Top Down Soviet Harvard HyperRationalistic) who work with Dynamic Stochastic whatever models,  new age wannabe Marxians ("Science" of Society - right?). "Pump Priming" idiots. You can't fly with one wing.
We need the apollonian, but we also need the Dionysian?

This is an attempt at freestyle essay a la Montaigne...

Following ad given in Indian Matrimonials"
"Required Fair Convent educated Fair Bride (preferably pHd in economics) for a Tall Handsome NRI (Non Resident Indian(read - earns in Dollars))Techie, Punjabi Brahmin (Notice nicely labeled and cut and dried categories) the end I sneaked in "Loves doggy style".

The response(s) from the parents of "fair" girls - Ah - very nice   - we love dogs too!Very much!

How does one ever get "Rationalistically" rich? Right? There can always be couple of zeros added further to your net wealth? Right?
One can't get "Rich" just by "Rational" epistemology.
One needs Mysticism to be Rich - right?
One needs "just enough" zeros to have control over one's time, one's soul. One has unfettered access to one's Mystical self. Our "being" is sort of an "instrument" for the Ghosts (science doesn't come close to having words for it - Behavioral economics perhaps? Or "Mean Genes"?) to express themselves.
We are "works of art" a la Nietzsche(Birth of Tragedy). WE have Rational brains (Apollonian), but a major part of epistemology lies in the Mystic (as works of art, or Dionysian, as "instruments" for "Ghosts" (Sufis? Whirling Dervishes? Musical "ecstasy")).

So who would you prefer, a part "mystic" like Steve Jobs, or idiots (empty suits) technocrats, bureaucrats from the EU? 
"Rationality" tells us to have three meals a day right? On TIME!
Have your cereals - Run Marathons! Have your Fruit Juice!
Balance your Portfolio. Have Debt!
Technology is mundane - harmless - at our command  - right?
No "ghosts" in the TV right?
How do corporate denizens convince then their "slavery" (lack of control over their souls) i s not slavery?
I live in Mussoorie  - so many "office workers" wanna meet Ruskin Bond. why?
Would they admit that they would like to be "non-slaves" like Bond? (who writes  a  lot autobiographically).

Tell me, is there a "science" of seduction?
Hindus worship the Cow. Cow provides Milk. Hindus worship the bull. The bull helps plow fields.
Hindus don't worship Dog. There is no "utility" in a dog.
A hyperrationlistic society than scorns the "Mystic" (when it comes with real downside or "skin-in-the-game") . Even "love" is so totally "rationalized". It's literally buying and selling.

Money, hmmm...  is Money rational? Or is it about ghosts?
Is their a linear cause effect? Where does it come from? where does it go?
Who detemines prices? Marginal cost of production? why does hyperinflation "grip" a socirty?
Is it like "Grinch"? A ghost?
Property prices never fall, is the current refrain in India.
We know it. We can scan our memory. There is only this much land. Look at the number of people.
I have no counterarguements.
You can't argue with a turkey leading up to ThanksGiving.
The sleeping dragon is a begnin rock. It's  question of epistemology.
How do prices move in financial markets? (Leftists in the US say they are all "rigged" and "controlled", right? Every market is "cornered")
Efficient markets? Differential equations? Anyone?
 We "understand" money right? It's a passive tool right? It doesn't "control" us?
Or is it "Maya"? Does it create illusions? Do we have grasp on it?
In account books?
Gold shouldn't be money - Buffett says it doesn't "do" anything (for us).No returns. No dividends.
Dumb piece  of Rock.
There is no magic - no more Alladin's lamp.
I have no "money" in the bank. But my credit helps me buy a brand new BMW and a brand new home. Sure there is no "magic" in it?
Price of a home always goes up so i can always refi it right? Future in which my home returns a lot more than my interest and principal payment. What determines home prices anyway?
Is it "ghost"? Soros  says "reflexivity".  There is a "ghost" driving home prices up. it's in our heads.
(The Prices, or the Ghost?). So says Shiller. Like the Man of Smoke. Like the Monkey Man that terrorized Delhi a few years ago. Ghost that killed a few people.

Paperwork. Try getting into the US as an Indian citizen on an H1B visa. Loads of "paperwork". Niche for lawyers.
Steve Jobs would never have "qualified" for their work visa (not "nerdy" enough).
"Nerd" are "tunneling". Look at the interview questions at google (read in an online newspaper).
A widely read and respected investment letter recommended "google" "they know something about the future of technology". I beg to differ. Nerds, who "tunnel" by definition have little imagination.
We need "mystics" with a probable dabbling into marijuana to imagine the future. Or interpret it correctly. Or to be prepared not be shocked by it. (called covering the ass?)

Funny about Petraeus. He and the mistress both were "runners". He was a "fitness freak".
They never considered using "OpenVPN"? Encrypt your conversation and hide your footprints?
and this from the Head of the CIA - hilarious!

When i came "back" to India, one was jolted at the hypermaterialism. I had a "feeling" something was unreal, phony. where the compassion? courtesy?
Taking to ALL technologies without skepticism. No "Ghost" in the machine?
Why did my soul vibrate with the joy and pain of dogs but everyone else just kicked them, or worse ran them over? Who was crazy?

Get a job get married buy a house ah! A property!
Why don't you go get a job? Excellent resume. Worked abroad!
But inside of me, there was something rebelling against this interpretation.
Surely this  couldn't be right. The ENthusiasm, the Optimism for a mechanical, rational, utilitarian utopia. Something was missing in my roots. The Motivation was missing. But perhaps i was just an unfortunate cripple, who couldn't lead a "normal" life. Or was an extraordinary sensitive soul?
Did i share this metaphysics with others? They just hid it in shame in private?

You know when everything is assumed utilitarian - in that framework,  i mean indian teenagers weren't allowed to date right - leave them together and all they can do is fuck. Or the boys will force it on girls. It's utilitarian - we all have a purpose - various "phases" to our lives  - customr built to perform a "function" (produce babies). Of course, there are ceremonies and lip service is paid to Mysticism. But where is our Shaman?

Strange things  happen in a strictly utilitarian society - animals are tortured. Women are tortutered.
Little (pre-pubescent)nieces are abused. Look at a bunch of Delhi Jats, who abducted and raped a North Eastren "Gori" girl. Girls are "pussy" afterall, right? Be All, End All.
Cartesian, utilitarian, mechanical, at face value, Above all Rational. No Spirits. No Ghosts.

Concept of Short Volatility. Of Long Volatility.
Within the Paleo Framework. Being "Long volatiltiy", I am allowing myself to tune to "Ghosts" who would control me. I am NOT in control, I am probably a recreational instrument for these "spirits". (How Rational! Blasphemous!). Dionysian. A work of art for the amusement of the Spirits.

Being "Short Volatility", I want to control. To build a Tehri Dam. Ganga is not the mountain Mother Goddess anymore   - it's a channel for water - damable, damnable, tamable.

Nassim Taleb says world/society will survive based on simple heuristics, not infinite pages of documents. Heuristics  i feel in my bones. I fear them sometimes. Dionysian. Documents i read and write and "understand". Apollonian.

Complex bottom up systems like the human body  - via negativa. They evolve. If we allow creative destruction. Intermittent fasting. Long volatility. Stress. Stochasticity (Barbell type).
No sugar. No fructose. No T.V. No walikng on smooth surfaces. No grains. Sample of one.
N of 1. It works! I feel like a tuned sitar. Harmony is back. Hamrmonious. Mystic.
I can feel the tingling of Ghosts taking over, in my bones.

I am a bull rider. i am a ghost rider. i seek stability no more. I seek low volatility no more.
I enjoy being rocked, tormented by my ghosts, thrown around, emotionally. i have no stiff upper lip.
I am Long Volatility.

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